Thursday, March 26, 2009


Speak not to me of multitasking if you're just running spreadsheet calculations, a browser, Twittering up a storm, poking somebody on Facebook, and stirring your coffee with an earlobe. Multitasking is blogging at 6:30 a.m. with a 10-month-old (exactly, today) climbing up your leg trying to get to the laptop. Especially when that 10-month-old is alternating screeching at me with bouncing his face on the couch cushion while going "da-da-da-da-da-da-da." That, my friends, is multitasking.

Dentist appointment this morning to fill some cavities, which is so wrong. I floss like I'm getting paid for it. The Lovely Missus flosses when she thinks about it. I brush my teeth with the delicate precision of a stagecoach mohel. The Lovely Missus brushes like she's removing grout. So who has the cavities and receding gumline? Me, of course.

The appointment is messing up my blogging schedule, so I might do a real post this afternoon. Have a good Thursday, Sam-I-Am. (Yes, he's in the Seuss Zone. Even the dogs have taken to barking in rhyme.)


  1. I think genetics determines who gets cavities and who doesn't. If your DNA has decided that you'll have healthy teeth, then you will. If, like me, you have evil, sadistic DNA that doesn't give a flying fig about silly things like flossing and brushing, then it doesn't matter what you do, you'll still get cavities.

  2. I agree. I floss, floss, floss, brush, brush, brush, and then it's cavity, cavity, cavity. Pfffffftttt at my DNA.
